Middle States Self-Study
Reaccreditation and the Self-Study Process
Utica University is scheduled for reaccreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in 2026 – 2027. This process includes completing a comprehensive self-study report that demonstrates how the institution currently meets the Commission’s Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation.
Institutional Priorities to be Addressed in the Self-Study
- Relevance and distinctiveness of academic programs and experiences
- Equitable outcomes and improved student success
- Quality of student life and the student experience
Intended Outcomes of the Self-Study
- Demonstrate how the institution currently meets the Commission’s Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation(Fourteenth Edition) and provides evidence by Standard alignment with the Evidence Expectations by Standard.
- Leverage periodic assessment through each standard, using assessment results for continuous improvement and innovation to ensure levels of quality for constituents and the attainment of the institution’s priorities, mission, and goals.
- Engage the institutional community in an inclusive and transparent self-appraisal process, including analysis of a range of data, including disaggregated data, to ensure students are appropriately served and institutional mission and goals are met.
- Enhance educational quality and the student experience based on reliable data and best practices.
Self-Study Steering Committee
The self-study report will be drafted by members of the Steering Committee and their respective Working Groups. Steering Committee members for the 2026-2027 self-study report are:
Rachel Wolfe, Associate Professor of Theater and Presiding Officer of the Faculty Senate
Ann Damiano, Senior Associate Provost and Accreditation Liaison Officer
Amy Lindner, Vice President for Advancement
James Telhia, Dean, Library and Learning Commons
Terri Provost, Distinguished Professor of Biology; Chair, Biology Department
Bethany Samuels, Dean of Student Success
Donna Dolansky, Professor of Practice in Accounting
Danielle Dellerba, Comptroller and Assistant Treasurer
Laurence Zoeckler, Professor of Education; Chair, Educator Preparation
Project Timeline
January 27 – February 3, 2025 | Self-study design shared with University community for feedback and review |
February 14, 2025 | Self-study Design submitted to the Middle States Commission |
April 8, 2025 | Dr. Ryan Hartnett, Utica University’s Middle States liaison, visits the campus for a self-study preparation visit |
April 25, 2025 | Preliminary outlines for each standard due |
April 25, 2025 | Preliminary outlines for each standard due |
October 10, 2025 | Initial draft of each chapter from each working group |
October – November 2025 | Drafts are reviewed by University community; suggestions made for revisions |
February 20, 2026 | Revised drafts are due from each working group |
March 31, 2026 | The Commission sends the University the evaluation team roster |
April 24, 2026 | Final drafts are due from each working group |
April – June 2026 | Final edits are made to the self-study report |
Fall 2026 | Evaluation team visits the campus to verify contents of the self-study report |
Self-Study Design
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